Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Worst Blogger

Easy joke is easy...

Holy shit! Has it really been since January since I updated this here 'blog? God almighty, yes it has. Well, I'm sorry Gentle Readers. A combination of being busy and apathy toward 'blogging has been my downfall. But, I'm back now if you're still interested. It's been a long and interesting seven months since we last spoke, and shit has most definitely gotten real since then. If you've got the time, I'd love to tell you about it.
So. Where to begin? Well, I spent the first part of the year cranking out a bunch of books for Fantasy Flight, playing in my band, and generally being as aggressively indolent as possible. It was a time of ups and downs, strikes and gutters. Honestly, a lot of the time I spent wondering what the hell I was doing, and wondering if I shouldn't just go to sea or take up driving a truck or something. Then, out of nowhere, came Gen Con.

Gen Con was great to me this year. I came away with three paying jobs, including two rad assignments for FFG and rebooting the Heavy Gear RPG for Dream Pod 9, the potential for some work with Cubicle 7, Third-Eye GamesPaizo and Privateer Press, and a bunch of new contacts. 

Apparently all the hard work and worry and stress I put into my writing over the past two years is paying off and the chickens are coming home to roost. I've got name recognition in the industry now, which is at once awesome and weird, and people know me and my work and like what they see. It's still touch and go though, it's not like people are knocking down my door to have me write about spaceships and giant robots for them, but it's a much better showing than last year.

So there, that's sort of my year in a nutshell. My plan now is for more shameless self-promotion, more blogging, and a lot more book making. Also, I'm going to redesign this site 'cause it's ugly as day-old sin. Stick around, won't you? I'll do my best to update at least once a week and run my yap about games and writing. 'Cause seriously, if it's one thing I've got it's a lot of grossly uninformed opinions about gaming!


A.L. said...

Welcome back, and glad to hear that the doors are finally opening up for you in full swing.

Brock Hutchinson said...
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Ferndalien said...

So glad to hear things are picking up steam after too many dead ends.